On a regular basis, a school going student has at least one app related to education on his device. The Education Apps now take learning from the classroom into the pockets of students. More than 62,000 education apps are available in various app stores in the revolutionizing world. Students of the current generation benefit from new ways of mobile technology where apps play a significant part of it.
Reasons to use apps in the education sector
- Classroom performance is enhanced
Learning through apps like BYJU’S enhance classroom time of students by taking control over the education aspects. After the classroom study, students can go through the content various number of times to improve their conceptual knowledge.
- Increase the time for studying
E-learning apps increase the time used by students for learning purposes. Instead of spending time on TV and other activities, students can complete their home work and listen to various recorded lectures.
- Learning is made fun
Student engagement can be improved in learning through gamification. Very often difficult concepts, when explained in the form of games become more interesting to study. Using games, education is made more fun for students with increased interest towards studies.
- Individually focused education
In a class containing more than 40 students lectures are done on an hourly basis without knowing whether the student has understood the concept or not. But in education apps, students can learn wherever and whenever they find time.
- Video based education
Lectures are provided for each and every concept which are covered in the chapter. The concepts are explained in simple language with live examples we come across in our daily lives, to make it interesting for the students.
- Student friendly options
To evaluate the knowledge about the chapter, the apps contain various mock tests and sample papers with solutions to prepare the students to face the exam. These apps are student friendly as they can study at any time and at any place.
Among the various apps which we come across in the playstore, BYJU’S is one among the top learning apps helping students from lower to higher grades score good marks in the exam. These kinds of apps also contain solutions to CBSE Sample Papers from lower to higher grades.