Increasing evidence suggests that early rich stimulation in life affects children’s intellectual development. Children need as much encouragement as possible to try new tasks. They also need to learn by doing. Only in this way can they get to know their surroundings and how they will be personally affected by them.
Many adults feel intimidated by computers and new technologies. Those of us who have learned to use computers and other high-tech devices know their usefulness and are likely to appreciate them. The children are no different. Direct experience is always the best teacher. The more first-hand experiences your child has, the more comfortable, safe, and secure he will become.
In fact, it is never too early to start working on your child’s self-image and self-confidence. Young babies feel feelings of security when they are only weeks old. At 18 months, a child has a strong sense of himself and his place in the family. By the time he is three years old, his natural curiosity and confidence, combined with mature social and physical abilities, make him an enthusiastic and willing helper in the family.
Three-year-old children
The third-year is fascinating in the child’s growth and personally is my favorite. I’ve never met a three-year-old boy that I don’t just adore. The three-year-old can do things. You can run, jump, ride a tricycle, and go up and downstairs with skill. He loves running errands, and his best reward is a smile from his parents. Pay attention to adults and observe their facial expression for approval or disapproval. It is motivated by stories, games, and songs to convey a message. He is inquisitive and loves to talk and learn.
Homework Expectations
To pick up toys
Dressing alone
Clean your own table plate
Clean the TV screen
Powder with a duster
Deliver items from one room to another
Place an extra change in the charity jars in the grocery store.
Store the clothes (cut pictures of the clothes and place 3 x 5 cards. Paste the cards in the corresponding drawers).
Four-year-old children
If three is the age to do, four is the age to find out. Why and how are two of the words most used by the four-year-old? But he is also a maker. This is the age at which a child really lives here and now. So, when you say, “Let’s hurry up and clean the house and go to the circus tomorrow,” you’re really pressing its buttons. Yesterday means nothing. Tomorrow is a vague promise. However, you can get very excited about upcoming events, but because you cannot understand the meaning of time, you may ask: “Is it tomorrow?” A typical four-year-old child offers more enthusiastic help than children of most other ages. Too bad we can’t combine the enthusiasm of the four-year-old with the skill level of the twelve-year-old.
Homework Expectations
Dressing and undressing
Comb your hair
Wash your hands and face
Brush your teeth
Order the bedroom or the games room
Store the dishwasher cutlery
Empty the basket and put the dirty clothes in the bathroom.
Fold towels and towels.
Place and clean the table (mark the placemats with felt tip markers with the correct
placement of plates and cutlery)
Service projects such as classifying old clothes and toys for others
Five-year-old children
The five-year-old is more confident and generally reliable. He has learned to do what is expected of him at home. You can usually reason with him, and he will understand why you want something done in a certain way. The five-year-old may still have difficulty using his small muscles, but he can usually print his name and some other words. He is much more reliable and independent than he was at age four and less apt to be distracted on the way to the dump. He loves stories, he learns better by repetition, and he loves group projects.
Homework Expectations
Make your own bed (comforters work better)
Clean and cut your nails.
Clean up spills
Pick up trash in the yard.
Clean the walls
Shake the carpets
Clean furniture, fingerprints on walls, etc.
Feed and water pets
Know your address and phone number
Dial 911 in case of emergency.
Service projects such as helping to collect garbage in the park
Parenting play based pre-nursery hong kong and international kindergarten hong kong Help at home