If you are a student then you can understand the significance of submitting plagiarism free paper. It is often found that most of the times papers get rejected only due to the presence of copied content. Although a student does not always willingly commits plagiarism at times their limited knowledge let them copy someone else’s work. If you are facing difficulties while preparing plagiarism free work then just pay close attention to this article.
Ways to Detect Plagiarism
Those who are unable to understand whether their content contains any traces of copied text or not can take help of a plagiarism detector. One can use free online tools that might allow them to find out the texts that are copied. If you choose a reliable plagiarism checker then you will be able to get options for compare texts.
There are some plagiarism checkers that will highlight the texts that are copied thereby helping you to change those texts. However, knowing about the plagiarised text is not enough rather getting information about the source from which it is being copied is equally important. One can check timestamps for finding out the source of copied content.
Learn Methods of Avoiding Plagiarism
Mostly people or student commit plagiarism unknowingly as they do not have the proper guidance to write content without copying.
Here is a list of considerations that are to be followed for preparing unique content.
- One of the common mistakes commit is that they tend to paraphrase content. Paraphrasing is not an offence but while paraphrasing it is to be kept in mind that you should go through it, take the idea and then write it in your own words.
- While referring to an author’s work you have to make sure that proper citations are used in the places where you have taken ideas from another work.
- It is always recommended to prepare a reference list on the last page of your paper. You need to make this reference in accordance with the guidelines provided.
- Before finally submitting papers you need to use a plagiarism detector for checking your content. This might help you to submit unique content.
Some Misconceptions Regarding Plagiarism
There are some common myths associated with plagiarism tools. In this section of the article, an effort has been taken to enlist some of the misconceptions.
- Most of the people believe that a plagiarism checking tool works automatically. However, it is a wrong concept because a plagiarism tool only matches a given content within the database. A final verdict is to be given by a human only.
- People often think that a plagiarism detector is meant for finding out copied text. Nonetheless, a plagiarism checking software can also be used for checking grammar and to assess whether contents have been properly paraphrased or not.
- It is to be noted that it is only a software and therefore the human judgement is required to find out whether the content is really copied or not.
Therefore, one should make use of plagiarism software for getting a complete assurance of submitting unique content.